
AYUSH powered pages

To reach many peoples & to explore different local issues AYUSH team created few web pages, which will be contineusly updated to get better results. & to handle local & tribal issues simmiller pages will be created to have detail information about art & culture etc

1. Warli Art [ ]
to explore the information about warli art [tribal art]
to explore the warli artist
2. Dahanu Darshan [ ]
to explore the tribal area tourist information
to generate business oportunities for tribal through tourism 
3. Dahanu's Mahalaxmi [ ]
to explore the information about tribals kuldaivat mahalaxmi
to explore information about local culture & festivals
4. Dahanu's Professionals [ ]
to share the information about professionals
to guide the students for there career by professionals
to have introductions between professionals
5. Talasari [ ]
to conncet the poeples from talasari taluka
to explore the local issues in talasari
6. Kasa [ ]
to connect the peoples from kasa region
to share local issues

simmiller pages on different topics will be created, we will be happy to hear feedback from you to above listed sites & even requirement for new sites