
Jal Jangal Jamin Jiv.... Adivasitva

Our projects

as AYUSH we will be handling all issues related to tribal community. but as initiation & present strenght, capabilties of our group we are concentrating onfollowing areas. after getting expected support from peoples we will increase our work scope.

current areas -
1. educational guidence
2. conecting peoples
3. career guidence
4. sharing cultural information
5. exploring art & artist inforamtion
6. guiding for entrepreneurship
7. debate & discussions of tribal issues
8. promoting tourism in tribal area
9. awarenss about local business opportunities

future areas -
1. Regular culture festivals
2. working for quality education with all organisations
3. working together with all tribal related organisations
4. having good communitcation channel between all tribal peoples
5. unifiding common tribal culture & festivals
6. unity of all tribals under single tribal banner
7. removing dependancies
8. creating confidence in tribal youth
9. ensuring tribal sucess everywhere
10. making tribals to compete with world

these are few future areas of work. will be depend on the responce.

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